20. Proposal

Ishqi's POV

As the jeep entered Banaras, I got a very big smile on my face because I was here after a month. I was very excited to meet Baba and Aasma. 

Aasma, carrying the precious gift of life within her, was being cared for by Baba with the same love and tenderness that he had always shown towards me and Didi. Despite the heartache of being disowned by her own family, Aasma remained resilient, her smile a beacon of strength in the face of adversity.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for Aasma, knowing the pain of being rejected by loved ones all too well. But Baba's unwavering support and affection provided her with the solace and comfort she needed during this challenging time.

Her face always missed her family. Baba took care of Aasma like he took care of me and Didi. Baba was happy as he missed the pregnancy care that he wanted to give to Di, he was now going to Aasma.

We both missed the chance to go to Canada because of the marriage. And Di and Rishi Jiju was able to come here for the reception as they got emergency tickets back to India. As the car rolled down the familiar roads of Banaras.

I felt nostalgic as memories of my childhood days spent running through these very streets danced through my mind, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. Each corner held a story, each alleyway a memory, and being here again felt like coming home after a long journey.

Feeling his hand in mine brought me back to the present moment, and I glanced over at him with a soft smile. His presence by my side was a constant source of comfort and strength, reminding me that no matter where life took us, we would always be together, facing whatever challenges came our way as a united front.

As the jeep stopped outside my house, I quickly undo the seat belt and then ran inside shouting 'Baba, Baba'

I saw Baba coming out of the study room. He got a smile on his face as he didn't know that we were coming there.

" Ishqi," he said and then took me into his embrace. I also hugged me. I looked small in height in front Baba as he was too tall just like Abhimaan.

Baba's warm embrace enveloped me like a familiar cocoon of love and security. Despite the passage of time, his presence still brought me immense comfort, grounding me in the unbreakable bond we shared as father and daughter.

"Welcome home, Ishqi," Baba's voice resonated with warmth and affection as he held me close. The lines of worry and fatigue on his face softened into a smile, his eyes twinkling with joy at our unexpected visit.

I returned his embrace, feeling a rush of gratitude for his unwavering love and support. In that moment, standing in the embrace of my Baba.  

" Welcome Abhimaan," he said. I moved away from Baba. Abhimaan came and touched the feet of Baba. Baba held him in mid air and then hugged him.

" Ishqi," I heard the voice of Aasma. I looked at the stairs from which Aasma was coming down. I smiled and came to her. I moved my hand towards her.

She held my hand and then I helped her in coming down. 

" I am so happy that you are here," Aasma hugged me. I also hugged her back. 

Aasma's embrace was filled with warmth and affection, mirroring the bond that we shared as sisters. Despite the challenges she faced, her spirit remained unbroken, her smile radiating with the hope and resilience that defined her.

"I'm so happy to see you, Aasma," I murmured, returning her embrace with equal fervor. 

The weight of her pregnancy was evident, but her strength and determination shone through, inspiring me with her unwavering courage.

As we parted, I couldn't help but admire Aasma's grace and fortitude in the face of adversity. Despite the trials she endured, she remained a pillar of strength, her love for her unborn child serving as a beacon of hope in our tumultuous world.

" Kids, come here. Let's have breakfast," Baba said.

We both came to the breakfast table. Abhimaan got up and then pulled the chair for me. I smiled and then sat down. Abhimaan also pulled the chair for Aasma. 

" Thanks Abhimaan, " Aasma said while sitting down along with me. Abhimaan and Baba sat in front of us. 

The cook had made simple food for everyone. It was pohua and toast. 

" Abhimaan, we didn't know that you both were coming otherwise I would have told the cook to make better food, " Baba said.

Abhimaan said and then held his hand. 

" Baba, I am like your son only. And I don't have any problem in having all this. So you enjoy. I am fine, " Abhimaan said.

These gestures of him only has made me fall for him more and more.Abhimaan's selflessness and humility never failed to touch my heart. Despite his stature and status, he never hesitated to embrace simplicity or put others before himself. 

His kindness and genuine concern for Baba's feelings warmed my soul, reminding me of the depth of his character and the reasons why I fell in love with him.

But it was his small gestures, like pulling out a chair for me or comforting Aasma with a reassuring smile, that truly captured my heart. 

In those moments, I saw the depth of his compassion and the sincerity of his love, and I knew that I was truly blessed to have him by my side.

After having food, we all decided to go to the Shiv Shakti temple. Aasma didn't come with us. As we walked down, Abhimaan was looking at his pocket and smiling. 

He was up to something and I didn't know what to say about it. He must be thinking about something that might change things.

As we entered the temple, we both rang the temple bell at the entrance that was in front of the gate of the temple.

We both looked at each other and then smiled. We both came and stood in front of the Mahadev with our hands joined. 

" Ishqi, " he said in a low voice. 

" What?" I asked.

" Mere Saath dobara se saat phere lo gi, Ishqi?"

" Take seven rounds with me again, Ishqi?"

His words shocked me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was holding a ring in his hand. I looked around and saw everyone looking at us. 

My heart skipped a beat as Abhimaan's unexpected proposal echoed in the sanctity of the temple. The weight of his words hung in the air, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within me. His earnest expression mirrored the sincerity of his love, and I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from him.

In that sacred moment, surrounded by the divine presence of Mahadev, I felt a surge of overwhelming joy and gratitude. The echoes of our past vows reverberated in my mind, reminding me of the promises we had made to each other in another lifetime.

As I looked into Abhimaan's eyes, I saw the depth of his love and the unwavering commitment that lay within his soul. His simple yet profound gesture filled me with a sense of awe and reverence, reaffirming the bond that we shared and the journey that lay ahead.

"Yes, Abhimaan," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. 

"I will take seven rounds with you again, for now and for always."

With trembling hands, I reached out to accept the ring he held out to me, feeling the weight of its significance in my palm. 

In that moment, surrounded by the blessings of the divine, I knew that my heart had found its home in Abhimaan's love, and together, we would embark on a new chapter of our lives, bound by the sacred vows of marriage once more.

Baba came to us. We both looked at him and then bent down. We touched his feet and he blessed her. 

" Stay happy. Abhimaan, I always wanted a grand wedding for my daughter. And now my dream will come true."

Baba said. He was right. He always wanted a great grand wedding for me. After that we came back to the house. 

I had a huge smile on my face. 

" Ishqi, why do you look so happy?" She asked me. I looked at her and smiled.

" Me and Abhimaan are getting married again with all the rituals," I replied with a lot of joy.

She also smiled and then hugged me. 

" I am so happy for you," she said.

After this, we all settled in the hall on the sofa. I looked at her.

" Aasma, right now you are safe. Aasim Siddiqui is in Lahore, his hometown," I said. 

Suddenly her facial expressions changed. I got confused with her reaction. 

" What happened?"

" Why did you say Lahore? Aasim Siddiqui's hometown is Muzaffarabad, Pakistan. Not Lahore. "

Her words shocked me. I looked at Abhimaan who was more than shocked than I was. Wait, we got to know that Aasim is going to Lahore by Raghav, then why is he lying to us?

I looked at Abhimaan.

" Abhimaan, Raghav gave us the wrong information. But why?"

" He could have been mistaken."

" Seriously? There is something big going on."

"We need to find out the truth," Abhimaan replied, his voice low and determined. "Whatever Raghav's motives may be, we can't afford to ignore the possibility that there's more to this than we know."

Tension raised in the hall. I looked at Baba and Aasma.

 " You don't worry. Nothing will happen to you both I promise," I said. Abhimaan and I came back to the room and then called Maanveer.

" Maanveer, ask Raghav why he gave us the wrong information about Aasim going to Lahore that is his hometown," Abhimaan said and then cut the call.

"Abhimaan, what do you think Aasim is planning?" I whispered, my voice laced with fear.

"I don't know, Ishqi," he replied, his voice tight with tension. "But whatever it is, we need to be prepared."

Nodding in agreement, I felt a surge of determination coursing through my veins, driving me to uncover the truth and protect those we loved at any cost.

"We can't afford to underestimate him," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "We need to find out what he's up to before it's too late."

Abhimaan's gaze softened, his hand reaching out to gently cup my cheek, offering a silent reassurance in the face of uncertainty.

"We'll figure this out together, Ishqi," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "No matter what happens, we'll face it together."

Abhimaan picked his bag. He looked at me. He kept his hands on my cheeks and then kissed me. 

" Ishqi, I have to leave. It is for the safety of the state," he said and then left from there. I stood there in my room.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I clutched onto the memories of our time together, desperately seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace and the strength of our love. But as he disappeared from view, a sense of emptiness washed over me, leaving me feeling lost and alone in the face of the unknown.

Another update!!!

Hope that you are liking the new characters

Love you all ❤❤❤

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