14. A fight

Ishqi's POV

I had enjoyed the whole week living in Banaras along with Baba and Abhimaan. I had started to feel happy being with Abhimaan but something was there that was separating me from him. 

The whole week was the best of my life. I enjoyed, cried, loved and took care. The work of the ashram was running very fast with the orders of Abhimaan.

I was getting ready for the school. Today was Ishaan's last paper and he was very excited to enjoy his break after exams. 

I wore a yellow suit. Abhimaan came to me and hugged me from behind. 

" Ishqi, after you come back, we will go to Pratapgarh. Maa is waiting for us." 

He said. I froze for a moment. It wasn't like I didn't speak to Maa the whole week. She called me everyone morning and night to know what I was doing. 

She cared for me a lot just like my own mother. I can't even think about what all Bade Thakur did to her. She is such a nice wife, sister and mother.

" Hey what happened?"

Abhimaan asked me while turning me towards him. I looked into his eyes.

" Sorry Abhimaan, but I can't go to Pratapgarh with you."

" What? But why?"

As I met his gaze, a surge of determination coursed through me. "Because, your family isn't good for me," I replied firmly. "I can't stay with them."

Abhimaan's brow furrowed in disbelief. "What is the problem?" he pressed, his voice edged with frustration." What is the problem?"

" Your father. Haven't you seen how he treats Maa? I don't know if you see or not but Maa craves for love from her husband that she will never get and she also knows that. What if later on we have kids and your father makes them like him. No. I can't let my daughter-in-laws suffer."

Abhimaan's expression hardened, his jaw tightening with anger. "Ishqi, you're overreacting," he retorted, his tone tinged with irritation. 

" Oh so now I am overreacting. Do you even know how many mistresses your father has? "

I shouted my lungs out.

"My father has his faults, but he's not a monster. And you can't just dictate where I go and who I spend time with. And I promise that I will not let my father's behavior influence our kids."

His words struck me like a blow, igniting a spark of defiance within me. "I'm not trying to dictate anything, Abhimaan," I countered, my voice rising with frustration. "I just can't ignore the reality of what's happening."

But Abhimaan seemed unwilling to listen, his temper flaring with each passing moment. 

" Abhimaan, you can run away from the reality but can't hide it. It is truth that your father is a manwhore and my children can't be raised in such an abusive environment. I can't accept your broken family. "

I said in a loud and clear voice. 

"Well, if you can't accept my family, then maybe we have nothing left to talk about," he spat, his eyes flashing with anger.

The air crackled with tension, our words hanging heavy between us like a stormcloud waiting to burst. And in that moment, I realized that our love might not be enough to bridge the chasm that had opened up between us. 

With a heavy heart, I watched as Abhimaan turned and stormed out of the room, leaving me alone with the echoes of our shattered dreams.

I didn't know why my heart broke into millions of pieces. I got a message from Ishaan.

'  Didi, when are you coming?'

He asked me. I cleaned my tears. I went to the washroom and then cleaned my face. Then I walked out of the house.

I made sure that Baba didn't see me leaving the house. 

Because if he would have seen me then he would not have let me go.

I reached the school and then saw Ishaan there. We both shared a hug.

" Ishqi, are you okay? "

Preeti asked while holding my shoulder. I knew that not Baba then she will recognize that something is off about me today.

I looked at her and forced a smile on my face.

" I am fine, Preeti. You are just overthinking. I didn't sleep last night. "

I lied to her and then walked inside along with Ishaan. Today the paper was in the auditorium of the school.

Me and Ishaan were sitting far away from the other students and writing the paper.

" Ishaan, tell me the answer to this question. "

I said to Ishaan while showing him the question.

" I think the answer to this question is. "

He said and then started to think about the answer. When a teacher came to us.

" Ishqi, your phone is ringing. "

The teacher said to me. I looked at the scene and saw Maa flashing on the screen.

I looked at the teacher with a smile on my face.

" Tell them that I am busy. I will call them by 11. "

I said and then looked at Ishaan who had started to tell me the answer.

Maybe she was calling me to know when we are coming back. But she should know that only her son is going to come there.

I continued writing the paper. Even though my mind was very disturbed because of the fight.

During the left time of the exam it felt like a battle between my heart and brain.

I didn't know why my heart was aching.  It felt that something bad was going to happen.

But what? Why was my heart aching? Is something wrong going to happen that will affect my family?

I continued writing the paper. I didn't want the turmoil going on to affect Ishaan and his future.

Soon the paper came to an end and the paper was taken by the teachers. We both were happy as the paper went well.

I took my phone and saw almost 20 missed calls from Maa. Something was wrong.

I was about to call Maa when Preeti came running to me.

" Ishqi, Ishqi. Did... Did you see the news? "

" No. "

Preeti opened her phone and then showed me the news.

' Thakur sahab Abhimaan Singh Chauhan died in a car blast. According to the resources he was coming back from Banaras and his car was blasted. There is no sign of anyone's body. But there is only only little bit of blood. Maybe it is of Thakur sahab only. '

I fell down while listening to the news. No, no. This can't be true. Abhimaan can't die.

I started to cry. I still wish that I could get a call from Abhimaan saying that he is fine and nothing happened to him.

Preeti sat near me and then started to rub my back.

" Bhabhi. "

I heard Maanveer's voice. I looked up and saw him standing there. I got up and then held his shoulders.

" Tell me that the news is fake. Tell me. "

I shouted. Maanveer looked down and then a tear fell from his eye.

" Sorry Bhabhi, but I can't lie to you. This is the truth. Bhaiya's car had a bomb in his car and because of that he died. "

With his words, darkness came in front of my eyes.


" ISHQI. "

I heard the fainted voices of Maanveer and Preeti and then I fainted.

Author's POV

Preeti looked at Maanveer. " Please let's take her to the hospital. " Preeti said. Maanveer picked Ishqi in his arms and kept her inside the car.

Maanveer sat inside the car. Preeti and Ishaan also sat inside. Maanveer started the car and took the car towards the hospital.

Maanveer was driving as fast as he could. They reached the hospital. Preeti her caller Shrikant, told him to come to the hospital.

Maanveer picked Ishqi in his arms and then walked inside the hospital. As soon as the receptionist saw Maanveer, she called for the stretcher.

Maanveer kept Ishqi on the stretcher. The doctor took Ishqi inside the room and started to check her.

The doctor checked Ishqi and then came out. " How is my daughter? " " She is fine Shrikant ji. Only because of stress and tension she fainted. "

The doctor went from there. Shrikant, Preeti and Ishaan came inside the room. Maanveer stood outside only.

Maanveer stood outside the room, his eyes filled with sorrow and regret. Inside, Shrikant held Ishqi's hand gently, his expression reflecting deep concern.

Preeti stayed close, offering silent support to both Ishqi and Shrikant. Ishaan sat beside Ishqi, his eyes red from crying.

In another part of the state, the Thakur family gathered, their faces etched with grief and disbelief. Aradhya, sat silently, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The Thakur family, once filled with power and influence, now grappled with the harsh reality of mortality and the void left by Abhimaan's untimely death.

Maanveer's eyes were downcast, his usual confidence shaken by the sudden loss. The atmosphere was heavy with sorrow as relatives and well-wishers offered their condolences.

As Ishqi remained unconscious, the hospital staff monitored her closely, ensuring she received the care and attention she needed.

Shrikant stayed by Ishqi's side, his heart heavy with worry for his daughter's well-being.

But somewhere there was a lot of happiness. Siddiqui house, Aasim and Armaan were enjoying drinks.

" Finally Abhimaan is dead. " " That is also what we wanted for so long. " Aasim said.

Aasim and Armaan started to laugh. They cheered and then continued having the drink.

The whole Siddiqui family was happy with the dead of their biggest enemy. But they have forgotten about karma.

Banaras, it was evening, the time of sunset. Slowly Ishqi opened her eyes and saw her father there.

" Baba. ". As soon as Shrikant heard the voice of his daughter he looked at Ishqi. He was happy that his daughter gained consciousness.

Ishqi came down the bed. " Ishqi. " Shrikant said. Ishqi looked at her father. " I have to go to Pratapgarh to see Maa. " She said.

Ishqi walked out and saw Maanveer standing there. " Maan, I want to go to Pratapgarh right now. " she said.

Maanveer nodded. They both walked towards the keep that was standing there. We both sat inside and then went from there.

" Maanveer, I know that you know who planted that bomb in Abhimaan's car. Tell me who it was? " She asked.

Ishqi looked at Maanveer. " Bhabhi. " " Don't lie to me. " Ishqi said in a dangerous voice.

" Amm Aasim Siddiqui. Raghav found out that he was behind it. " Maanveer said. After that Ishqi didn't say anything.

As Ishqi and Maanveer reached the Thakur haveli in Pratapgarh, the atmosphere was somber, reflecting the recent tragedy that had befallen the family.

Ishqi stepped out of the jeep, her eyes scanning the familiar surroundings with a mixture of sadness and determination.

She walked towards the entrance, her steps echoing in the quiet courtyard. The Thakur family members, gathered in mourning, looked up as Ishqi approached, their expressions a mix of surprise and apprehension.

Aradhya, sitting on a wooden bench under the old banyan tree, stood up slowly as she saw Ishqi's silhouette against the setting sun.

Her eyes were red from crying, but there was a glimmer of hope as she saw Ishqi's determined stance.

"Ishqi..." Aradhya's voice wavered, emotions raw and unfiltered.

Ishqi met Aradhya's gaze, her own eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and resolve.

"Maa, I'm here," she said softly, the weight of recent events hanging heavy in the air.

Aradhya hurried towards Ishqi, engulfing her in a tight embrace. Tears flowed freely as mother and daughter held onto each other, finding solace in their shared grief and love for Abhimaan.

"Ishqi, I can't believe he's gone," Aradhya whispered, her voice breaking with emotion.

"I know, Maa. It's unimaginable," Ishqi replied, her own voice choked with tears.

The rest of the family gathered around them, offering silent support and condolences.

The once grand haveli now felt empty without Abhimaan's presence, his larger-than-life personality leaving a void that couldn't be filled.

As the night descended, Ishqi stayed by Aradhya's side, offering comfort and strength.

Despite the pain and turmoil, there was a sense of unity among the family members, a shared understanding that they needed to stand together in the face of adversity.

Another update!!!

Hope that you are liking the new characters

Love you all ❤❤❤

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