12. His Anger

Author's POV

" Papa, I just wanted to say sorry for everything that I did." said Abhimaan. Shrikant smiled. " It is okay beta. I will just come. Till then you can take bath in that room." he said and then went from there. 

Abhimaan smiled and then came out of the house. He saw a lot of kids looking at his jeep. As soon as they saw Abhimaan, they ran from there. 

" Hey kids wait." he said. All those kids looked at Abhimaan. " Wanna have a drive?" he asked. All the kids shook their head.

Abhimaan sat in his jeeps and then looked at those kids. " Come." said Abhimaan. All the kids came on the jeep and sat down. 

Abhimaan started the jeep and then drove from there. All the kids were very happy. A lot of people were looking at him only. 

Abhimaan stopped the jeep. All the kids thanked him and then went to their homes. Abhimaan parked the jeep and then came down.

He looked up and saw Ishqi standing there and smiling. They both had an eye contact and then Ishqi came inside the room. She came down. She came to Abhimaan and then gave him the towel.

" Take a shower and then we have to attend the morning aarti." said Ishqi. Abhimaan nodded and then went to the other room. 

Ishqi saw Raghav coming inside with the bags of Abhimaan. " Give them to me. " she said while forwarding her hand. " But Thakurain." said Raghav, " Give it." she said. Raghav didn't have any choice and then gave the bag to Ishqi.

Ishqi took that bag towards the room where Abhimaan went. She kept the bag on the bed and then took out some clothes for him. She had kept a white shirt and black jeans for Abhimaan.

She picked his watch and then kept it on the bed. She then went from there. Ishqi came to the kitchen and then started to make the food for everyone. 

" Thakurain, can I make?" asked Raghav. Ishqi looked at him. " No Raghav, I am fine with it." said Ishqi, " But." " No buts. Just go and sit on the breakfast table. We all will have the food together." said Ishqi.

Raghav then went from there. Ishqi made the food and then got it out. She made 4 cups of tea and got it out. " Hi Baba." said Ishqi and hugged Shrikant. She sat down with everyone. Abhimaan was sitting in front of her.

Abhimaan watched the exchange between Ishqi and her father, a sense of longing tugging at his heart. He couldn't help but admire the way Ishqi cared for her family, her selflessness shining through in every gesture.

"Thakurain, the food smells delicious," Raghav said, breaking the silence as he took a bite of the paratha.

Ishqi smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Raghav. I'm glad you're enjoying it," she replied, her eyes flickering with warmth.

Abhimaan couldn't tear his gaze away from Ishqi, feeling a surge of admiration for her strength and resilience. Despite the challenges she had faced, she remained unwavering in her commitment to her family, her love shining through in every action.

" Beta, are you joining us for the morning aarti?" Shrikant asked, breaking Abhimaan out of his reverie.

Abhimaan nodded, tearing his gaze away from Ishqi. "Yes, Papa. I'll be there shortly," he replied, his voice tinged with anticipation. Ishqi looked at Shrikant. 

" Baba, Ishaan's exam is tomorrow. I have to go there. So we have to come home early tonight. " said Ishqi, " Where are you both going?" asked Abhimaan, " No where." said Ishqi, " My elder brother's son wedding and he wants us to be there. Especially you." said Shrikant.

Ishqi's POV

Baba. Seriously? Why is he loving this man so much? Wait, but why is Baba speaking so nicely to him? 

 Baba didn't like him till the reception and now. What have you done to my father Abhi?

"Of course, Baba. I'll be there," Abhimaan replied, his voice steady and unwavering.

I felt a surge of frustration and helplessness wash over me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't protect Abhimaan from the toxicity of my family's world. All I could do was stand by his side and hope that together, we could weather the storm that lay ahead

After having breakfast, now we are heading for the morning aarti. I was holding the aarti plate in my hands. I was tired walking. I didn't know why but my feet were hurting. I didn't want to walk more.

I looked down at my feet and found the reason. My slippers had broken. Why this? I got irriated but I still walked towards the temple. 

Suddenly Abhimaan picked me up in his arms and then walked towards the temple. 

" Abhi, I."

" Shh. I know that your feet are hurting and you can't walk. But you will not ask for help so I am helping my wife. "

He said and then continued walking towards the temple. Sometimes he doesn't look cruel as the whole world considers him but sometimes he does. 

I am still not able to forget about Reena. Was he right that it wad Siddqui's plan or is he lying? May be he is like his father only who loves fucking other women than his own wife.

I too a sign. Then I realized that we have reached the temple. He kept me down. I kept the aarti plate in his hand. I picked the matchbox and then lit the diya kept on the plate.

We both came inside and saw the Mahaguru standing there. I came to him and then touched his feet. Abhi also came and then bent to touch the feet of Mahaguru.

" stay happy and always stay together. "

He said. We both stood. 

" Come on, Ishqi. it is time for the morning prayer. "

Mahaguru said. I headed towards the statute of Mahadev and Mata Parvati and then started to sing the morning prayer. 

The whole temple got filled with people. Many people were ringing the temple bells and singing along with me. 

I completed the morning prayer and then walked towards everyone and then started to give them the aarti.

After giving everyone the aarti, I gave the plate to the pandit and then walked out. Baba had already left for the firm and I walked towards my home along with Abhi. 

He had held my hand when I saw a gol gappe stall. I wanted to have them.

" Wanna have them?"

Abhi whispered in my ears. I looked at him and nodded. He went to that stall. The bower bowed to him and then left. Abhi folded his sleeves and then looked at me.

Wait the Thakur of the state will now feed me? 

I ran towards him and stood there. he gave me the small bowl.

" Sweet or spicy?"

He asked.

" Mixed."

I replied. He picked the gol gappe, made a hole in it, put some smashed potatoes and then dipped it in two different water and kept it in that bowl. 

I picked it and then started to have it. It was yum. He kept making them for me and I kept having. 

" Have one?"

I picked one gol gappa and got it near his mouth. He opened it mouth and then had it. After having almost 20, I was done.

" Enough, I am done." 

I said. He smiled and then cleaned his hands from the water. The stall owner came back. Abhi paid him and then we left from there. 

This was the time of noon and mostly people were there on the streets. Many cars and bikes were running here and there. 

We were walking in the middle of the road. I was used to all this traffic. I looked at Abhi thinking that he would be angry but he didn't have expression on his face. 

We reached home and I jumped on the sofa. That is what I needed. I closed my eyes and then started to relax. 

 " The best day of my life. "

" Just like you."

 I heard Abhi's voice. I opened my eyes and then looked at him. He was sitting in front of me and looking at me. He had kept one on his leg on his other. His arms were spread across the sofa.

He looked very handsome. But why was I thinking about this? He doesn't like me at all then why should I love him.

But why did his words affect me so deeply? Why did a part of me long to believe in the possibility of a genuine connection with him, despite the barriers that seemed insurmountable?

I shook my head and then looked away from there. I myself was confused about my feelings and all I wanted was nothing.

I picked my phone and then played the movie on the television. A romantic movie started in which the hero and heroine were kissing each other.

I was shocked to see that scene. I tried to switch it off but the remote fell down from my hands. I looked at Abhimaan who was standing in front of me with his hands on the sofa's head.

He bent closer to me and I closed my eyes.

" Ishqi, I will not even kiss you until you say yes."

" Are you serious? You have already kissed me so many times that too in front of so many people."

I said and that was it. He smashed his lips on mine and then started to kiss each other. He held me and made me stood up. He held my waist and I moved my hands on his hair.

We both were deepening the kiss. Within seconds, that normal kiss became a passionate kiss. I started to lose my breathe. I pushed him. Abhimaan and I looked into each other's eyes.

We both were breathing heavily. Baba came inside. I looked at him and then came to him.

" Baba."

" Ishqi, Abhimaan, get ready. We have to leave for the wedding. "

" Just a few minutes Papa and then we will be ready."

Abhimaan said and then went to his room. I also went to my room and then started to look for a good saree to wear.

I picked a maroon saree with maroon blouse. I left my hair open and wore a ring. I didn't wear any other jewelry.

I got dressed and then came down. I saw Abhimaan in a white shirt and black jeans. He looked handsome.

He walked to me and then move his hand towards me. I held his hand and then came down the stairs.

Then I locked the house and we all walked towards Abhimaan's jeep. He helped Baba in sitting and then sat on the driving seat.

He started the car and then drove the jeep. 

Author's POV

Outside the beautiful small house, a tent was set up for the marriage of Bittu. Abhimaan stopped his jeep there and then came down.

He first helped Shrikant in coming down. " Abhi, just her. I will walk inside to meet my brother. " said Shrikant. Abhimaan nodded and then walked towards the passenger seat.

He looked at Ishqi and then opened the door for her. Ishqi held his hand and then came down the jeep. 

They both walked inside. Everyone was looking at them only. Ishqi looked at her Bade Papa. Instead of being happy, she had anger on her face.

" Don't you want to meet him?" Abhimaan asked. She looked at him. " Abhi, my mother died because of him. I can never forgive him." said Ishqi, " Don't worry. He will regret calling us here." he said.

Ishqi looked at him in confused. She was confused about what Abhimaan said. " What is he up to?" she asked.

Abhimaan picked a glass of red wine and walked towards Shrikant. " Namaste. " he said. Bade Papa looked at Abhimaan. " Arre Thakur sahab, I am so happy that you are here." said Bade Papa.

Abhimaan smiled. " Yeah but I didn't like all this much. I mean look around, it is so hot. And oops." said Abhimaan and on purpose and left the glass of red wine on Bittu's white kurta.

" Oh shit. You." said Bittu and raised his hand without thinking twice that he was standing in front of Abhimaan Singh Thakur. 

Abhimaan held his hand and twisted it. Bittu's hand broke. " Next time, thing about whom you are standing in front of. " he said. Abhimaan looked at Shrikant. " Come Papa. We should leave. These all are disgusting people. Who are just asking to show that they love their relatives but in reality they don't. "

He roared in anger. Ishqi was looking at all this. She never thought that Abhimaan would stand for her family. Abhimaan held Shrikant's shoulder and then walked towards Ishqi. 

" Come." he said and then walked out of the tent. Ishqi looked at her Bade Papa.  " This is called Karma. What goes it comes back. What you did to my father is back to you now." said Ishqi and then walked out of the tent.

The girl who Bittu was about to get married her father broke the marriage and then went from there. 

Bade Papa got what he had done with Shrikant. He faced the humiliation that Shrikant faced many years ago.

Another update!!!

Hope that you are liking the new characters

Love you all ❤❤❤

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