11. Missing her

Abhimaan's POV

A day had passed since Ishqi was there in Banaras. I didn't know why I was missing her.

Her thank you message had made me think about her more. She had become a part of my heart but I also didn't know about it.

As I sat in that stifling political meeting, my mind wandered far from the discussions at hand.

This meeting was important for my election but I, myself wasn't interested in listening to anything.

Everything just went above my head  I wasn't able to concentrate on anything that was going around me.

Ishqi's presence in Banaras had stirred something within me, something I couldn't quite grasp. Her simple "thank you" message had resonated deeply, making me question my own feelings.

Raghav's voice droned on behind me, blending into the background noise of the room.

" Thakur sahab, are you even listening?" he asked, snapping me back to the present.

I turned to him, forcing a half-hearted smile. "Of course, Raghav. Just lost in thought for a moment."

But the truth was, I couldn't focus. The intricacies of politics and elections felt trivial compared to this newfound turmoil in my heart. Why was I missing Ishqi? Why did her message affect me so profoundly?

My father's booming voice interrupted my thoughts, discussing strategies and alliances that seemed to fade into white noise.

"Abhimaan, this meeting is crucial. Pay attention," he chided, his eyes fixed on me expectantly.

"Yes, Papa. " I replied mechanically, my mind still lingering in Banaras.

Every passing second felt like an eternity, a reminder of how desperately I wanted to be there instead of in this suffocating room.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, I excused myself.

"I need some fresh air," I announced, rising from my seat.

"I'll be back shortly."

As I stepped out into the open, a cool breeze caressed my face, momentarily soothing the turmoil within.

But even the calming environment couldn't silence the questions swirling in my mind.

What was this connection with Ishqi? And why did I feel this inexplicable pull towards her, despite all rationality?

" Bhaiya, are you fine? "

Maanveer asked me. I turned towardds him. I forced a smile at Maanveer's concern, though inwardly, I wrestled with my thoughts. 

"I'm fine, Maanveer. Just needed some fresh air," I replied, my voice betraying none of the turmoil raging within me.

Maanveer left from there closing the door of the balcony. I took a deep breathe. I have to go to Banaras. I will leave tonight only. 

Ishqi's POV

I spent the whole afternoon along with Preeti and Ishaan and now I am tired. While enjoying the ice-cream I was walking towards my house. 

The sun dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets of Banaras as I made my way home, the lingering warmth of the afternoon fading into the cool embrace of evening. 

With each step, fatigue settled into my bones, a reminder of the day's activities and the emotional rollercoaster I had experienced.

As I approached my house, the familiar sight of the worn wooden door greeted me, a comforting presence amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. Pushing it open, I stepped inside, greeted by the scent of home – the aroma of spices mingling with the gentle hum of conversation.

But suddenly the smile got vanished as my Bade Papa and Badi maa sitting there. Bade Papa is Baba's elder brother. Bade Papa is a selfish and he took away all the property that Baba had and threw us out.

That was the time when I lost my mother also. That time we had no money in hand because we had lost everything that Baba had. I still remember just of this man, me and Didi had to stay hungry for a few days. We didn't even complaint.

Now I feel that Abhi and Maanveer's relation is much better. They love and trust so much on each other even after being step-brothers. And here, my father was disonwed by his own brother.

" Ishqi. "

I heard Bade Papa's voice and then looked at him. I forced a smile on my face and then came to Baba. 

I sat down with him. 

" How are you all?"

I asked while rubbing my hands. 

" Now you are so grown up. You are the Choti Thakurain of this state. "

And that was it. I knew why they are here. They are only here because now we have relations with the Thakurs. 

" How come here?"

" Actually Bittu is getting married so we came here to give you both invitations. And I hope Thakur sahab will also come."

As Bade Papa's words washed over me, I fought to maintain the facade of politeness that society demanded, even as bitterness churned within me like a stormy sea. His presence in our humble home was a stark reminder of the injustices my family had endured at his hands, the wounds that still festered beneath the surface.

For years, Bade Papa had been nothing more than a distant figure, a shadow looming over our lives, casting a pall of darkness wherever he went. And now, here he was, with his false smiles and empty pleasantries, intruding upon our sanctuary once again.

"Thank you for the invitation," I murmured, my voice strained with forced civility as I accepted the wedding card he offered.

Baba's eyes flickered with a mixture of emotions – gratitude, resentment, and perhaps a hint of resignation. He exchanged pleasantries with Bade Papa, the strained politeness hanging heavy in the air like a suffocating cloak.

But amidst the hollow exchange of words, a silent understanding passed between us – a shared acknowledgment of the truth that lay buried beneath the surface. 

Bade Papa's sudden interest in our family was not born out of genuine affection or concern, but rather out of self-interest, a desire to curry favor with the Thakurs now that I was married to Abhimaan.

As the evening wore on and Bade Papa and Badi Maa took their leave, I waited until the door closed behind them before turning to Baba, the mask of civility slipping from my face to reveal the raw emotions simmering beneath.

"Baba, do you really think they care about us? Do you really believe that their sudden interest in our lives is anything more than a facade?" I began, my voice trembling with suppressed anger and hurt, "

Baba's expression softened, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and understanding. He reached out, taking my hand in his, a silent gesture of comfort and solidarity.

"Ishqi, my dear. I know it's hard to accept, but sometimes people's actions are driven by their own selfish motives. We must learn to navigate these waters with grace and dignity, even when our hearts are heavy with sorrow." he said softly, his voice heavy with regret.

I nodded, the weight of his words sinking into my soul like an anchor in stormy seas. Despite the pain and resentment that gnawed at my heart, I knew that Baba was right. 

We couldn't afford to be consumed by bitterness and anger, not when there was still so much love and warmth to be found in our humble home.

" Baba, I am telling you before hand that Abhi will not come. he will not. he doesn't care about me. "

I said and then walked back to my room. I closed the door of the room and then slide down while being pinned to the door only. I knew that people are selfish but this kind, I didn't know. 

Bade Papa has a small shop and his name is not even that bigger than that of my father. He knows that if Abhi will come to his son's wedding then he will have both fame and name. I will make sure that Abhi doesn't come here.

Author's POV

A jeep was running in full speed on the highway. That was Abhimaan was was heading towards Banaras to meet his Jaan. Abhimaan didn't know that Ishqi had become an important life of his life and he didn't know about it.

He was increasing the speed of the jeep. He wanted to reach Banaras as soon as he could. The thing that he was missing the most of her soft boobs. 

It had been so many days, that he didn't sleep on them. He missed then too much. Soon he reached Banaras and headed towards her house. 

He stopped the jeep out of the house and then walked towards the door. He was about to ring the bell but then he remembered that till now everyone had slept and he didn't want to wake up his Ishqi.

He looked around and then got an idea. He picked the wooden stairs and then kept the stairs leaning to the balcony of Ishqi's room.

He climbed it and then came inside. He opened the door of the room and came inside. He saw Ishqi lay on the bed in a weird position. Her one feet was folded in the 90 degree angel and then other was straight.

She lay on her stomach with her mouth opened. She had spread herself on the whole bed. There was no space on the bed for the other person.

Abhimaan smiled and then lay down on the sofa. He closed his eyes and then slept. He was too tired to do anything. He didn't even remove his coat and shoes and just slept.

The next day, Ishqi woke up but 5 and sat on the bed. She rubbed her eyes and then saw Abhimaan sleeping there.

Ishqi was shocked to see him. " Oh god." said Ishqi, " Ishqi, ishqi." said Shrikant and came inside. He was also shocked to see Abhimaan there. Abhimaan opened his eyes. 

" Oh fuck." said Abhimaan while stretching himself. He looked at Ishqi who had covered her face. " This Abhimaan. " Ishqi came down the bed and came to her father.

" Baba, you go out. I will get him." said Ishqi and then closed the door of the room. She looked at Abhimaan. " Are you mad? You said that word in front of Baba." said Ishqi. 

Abhimaan stood on the bed. " I don't know that he was there. But sorry. " said Abhimaan. Abhimaan looked at Ishqi and then hugged her.

" Why are you here?" she said and then pushed him. " Because."

Abhimaan's POV

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. "Well, I had some business in the area and thought I'd stop by to see how you were doing," I replied, choosing my words carefully.

" Shut up. I know why you are here?"

She said. I was confused in a second when suddenly she hugged me and I got startled. 

" Thanks. Thanks for getting my dream complete. You are making that ashram in the name of my mother."

She said. I felt a lump form in my throat as Ishqi's words washed over me, her gratitude catching me off guard. For a moment, I was speechless, overwhelmed by the sincerity in her voice.

"Ishqi, you don't have to thank me." I replied softly, my heart swelling with emotion. 

"Your mother deserves to be remembered, and if building the ashram brings you peace, then it's the least I can do."

Ishqi pulled away from the hug, her eyes shining with unshed tears. 

"You have no idea what this means to me, Abhimaan. It's like a dream come true," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

I reached out, gently wiping away a stray tear from her cheek. 

"I'm just glad I could help, Ishqi. You deserve all the happiness in the world," I murmured, my own emotions threatening to overwhelm me.

For a moment, we stood there in silence, the weight of our shared history hanging heavy in the air between us. 

Despite the distance and the obstacles we had faced, there was a bond between us that transcended words – a connection that defied logic and reason.

"I should probably get going," I said, breaking the silence as I glanced towards the door. "I don't want to overstay my welcome."

I walked out and she smiled. I came down and saw Ishqi's father standing there. 

" Namaste papa."

I said and then touched his feet. 

" Arre Abhimaan, you are like my son. Please don't touch my feet. "

He said while making me stand up. I smiled. After what all I did to him, he still called me his son. That's why he is such a good person. 

Another update!!!

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