10. Banaras

Ishqi's POV

It has been 4 days since I have been locked in. Maa couldn't do anything in front of Abhi. And I knew that bade Thakur would have been very happy with all this. 

It didn't matter to me. But only Ishaan matter to me right now. Even if he lost his arms in an accident, he is very talented and intelligent child.

But as the days turned into nights, I couldn't shake the gnawing fear that gripped my heart – fear for Ishaan's safety, fear for his future. Alone and vulnerable, he was defenseless against the forces that sought to tear us apart.

And so, with each passing moment, my resolve grew stronger, fueled by the fierce determination to reunite with my son, to protect him from the dangers that lurked in the shadows. But I knew that I couldn't do it alone – I needed help, someone who could aid me in my quest to break free from the chains that bound me.

As I sat alone in my room, the sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway, signaling the approach of Maa. With a flicker of hope igniting within me, I rose to my feet, steeling myself for the confrontation that lay ahead.

Maa entered the room, her eyes filled with concern as she took in my haggard appearance. "Ishqi, beta," she said, her voice gentle with compassion. "I've brought you some food."

I forced a smile, grateful for her kindness amidst the darkness that surrounded me. 

"Thank you, Maa." I replied, accepting the tray of food with trembling hands.

" Maa, look. I need to go to Banaras."

I said while looking at Maa. Maa nodded. 

" Ishqi, I can't let you go out of this room. Abhi will be very angry."

Maa said. I fell on Maa's feet.

" Maa, I have to go to Banaras. I have to help Ishaan. He is a disabled child and he doesn't have hands. if I don't write his paper then he will fail. Please Maa, please."

I said while crying. Ishaan is like my own brother to me. Maa held me and made me stand up.

" Ishqi, I will help you. I will handle Abhi. You just leave for Banaras."

Maa's words made me smile. I ran out of the room and then down the stairs. 

" Ishqi."

Maa shouted. I turned towards her. She pointed at a drawer.

" The keys of the jeep are kept there. Take them. it will be easy to reach Banaras."

She said. I went to that drawer and then picked one of the key out of many. I ran out and then looked at the jeep.

I went there and sat in the jeep. I started the jeep and then drove the jeep out of the Thakur haveli. 

The wind whipped through my hair as I raced down the familiar streets, the urgency of my mission driving me forward. Every passing second felt like an eternity, my heart pounding in my chest as I pushed the jeep to its limits.

But as I glanced at the dashboard clock, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I was already running late, and the minutes continued to tick by relentlessly, each one bringing me closer to the dreaded moment when Ishaan's exam would begin.

I cursed under my breath, my hands tightening around the steering wheel as I navigated through the crowded streets. Every red light, every slow-moving vehicle seemed to conspire against me, prolonging my journey and threatening to dash my hopes of reaching Banaras in time.

With each passing minute, my anxiety mounted, a sense of helplessness washing over me like a tidal wave. I knew that every moment counted, yet the universe seemed determined to thwart my efforts at every turn.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I reached the outskirts of Banaras. But as I approached the exam center, my heart sank even further. The parking lot was packed with cars, students and parents milling about in a frenzied rush to make it to their respective exams on time.

I parked the jeep as quickly as I could and dashed towards the entrance, my breath coming in short, ragged gasps. But as I reached the door, a stern-faced invigilator barred my way, his voice dripping with disdain.

Ishaan stood there with Preeti. He had fear on his face. 

" Sorry, sorry."

I ran inside. Ishaan got a smile on his face as soon as he saw me. We both entered the examination hall together and sat down with the paper and answer script. Ishaan read the first question and then started to told me the answer.

I started to write the answer. One by one, Ishaan told me all the answers and I kept writing. 

My heart raced with a mixture of relief and determination as I finally entered the exam hall, Ishaan by my side. His presence beside me was a beacon of hope, a reminder of why I had embarked on this perilous journey in the first place.

As I hastily scribbled down the answers that Ishaan dictated to me, a sense of urgency fueled my movements. Every second that passed brought us closer to the end of the exam, and I knew that time was of the essence.

"Come on, Ishaan, you're doing great," I whispered, my voice filled with encouragement as I glanced at him. His eyes sparkled with determination as he recited the answers, his voice steady despite the nerves that undoubtedly plagued him.

"We're almost there," I reassured him, my hand moving swiftly across the page as I transcribed his words. With each passing question, I could feel the weight of responsibility lifting from my shoulders, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Suddenly, we all heard a gunshot. We looked lifted our head and then looked at the gate. Abhimaan was coming inside with a gun. I knew that he was angry but I can't let him compromise with Ishaan's future.

I looked at the time. 10 minutes were left and a long answer was left. I came to Abhimaan and stood tall in front of him. 

" Abhi, look. I am ready to face your anger just let me complete this paper for Ishaan. Please."

I said with my hands joined. He looked at me and then turned back and left the room. I ran back to Ishaan. I sat down and Ishaan started to say the answers. i increased the sped of writing.

" Time's up. Stop writing. "

The invigilator said. She started to take the papers one by one. I continued writing and as I finished, the invigilator took the paper. i had finished the paper even after starting 30 minutes late.

I turned to him with a smile, my heart overflowing with pride. "We did it, Ishaan," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion. "You were amazing."

Ishaan beamed back at me, his eyes shining with gratitude. 

"Thank you, Ishqi Didi. I couldn't have done it without you."

He said. As we gathered our belongings and made our way out of the exam hall, a sense of accomplishment settled over me like a warm blanket. Despite the challenges and the uncertainty that lay ahead, I knew that I had done everything in my power to help Ishaan succeed.

Preeti hugged us. " thank god that you came on time. Otherwise."

She said. I just smiled when I saw Abhi coming towards us. I moved away from Preeti and came to him with my lowered gaze.

" I am ready to be punished. "

I said. When suddenly he pulled me in a tight hug.

" No need to be punished. You will write Ishaan's papers. I allow you. And sorry for breaking your phone. "

He said while giving a box to me. I looked at him and then opened that box. It had a brand new phone in it.

" I have saved all your contacts in it. My .. My number is also saved in it."

He said. Is he really that bad or just. He turned to go but looked back at me.

" Ishqi, stay here for some days. You have to do you pug phera rasam also. I will send your clothes to your home."

He said and then walked out of the school. I was standing there, looking at him only. Thakurs aren't that bad also except Bade Thakur, he is an exception. 

I looked at Preeti and Ishaan who stood there smiling at me.

" I am going home. I will meet you at night. Bye,"

I ran out of the school while Preeti and Ishaan waved at me. I was very excited to meet Baba after a week. 

As I reached home, my steps quickened with anticipation. The familiar sight of our humble abode filled me with a sense of belonging, a reminder that no matter how far I ventured, this would always be my sanctuary, my refuge from the storms of life.

And then, as I stepped inside, I saw him – Baba, standing in the doorway with tears glistening in his eyes. My heart skipped a beat as I ran towards him, throwing my arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Baba!" I cried, my voice choked with emotion as I buried my face in his chest. "I missed you so much."

Baba held me close, his embrace a sanctuary of warmth and love. "I missed you too, my dear Ishqi," he murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. "I was so worried about you."

As we stood there, locked in each other's arms, I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. I looked at Baba and smiled.

" How come here, my bacha?"

He asked. I moved away from him. 

" Pug pheras rasam," I replied with a smile on my face. Baba held my shoulder and then got inside. 

I sat on the sofa. After so many days, I felt like home. Being in Banaras is the best. Banaras is not just a place for me. It is heaven for me. I have grown up on the streets on Banaras only.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over me. Despite the challenges and hardships that life had thrown my way, I had found solace and comfort in the arms of Banaras, my beloved city, my sanctuary, my home.

I sat there scrolling my phone and enjoying my coffee. Baba had gone to the office as he had a case to study upon. When suddenly a message popped up on my phone. It was from Preeti. She was calling me.

I got up and then went out of the house. I locked the door of the house and then started to walk towards the place where I usually met Preeti. Then I crossed that land that changed my life forever.

Construction was going on. Raghav was there. He didn't see me.

" Arre Ishqi beta."

I heard an old uncle's voice. I looked at him and then joined my hands.

" You have such a nice husband. He is completing your dream. Now no orphaned child will feel lonely and same with the old people who are thrown out of their houses."

He was saying this but I didn't understand why he was saying this. 

" Wha ... What do you mean?"

" Thakur sahab is building the ashram that you wanted to build."

I was shocked with his words. Abhi, isn't of building a hotel there was making an ashram that I wanted to make.

I walked towards the construction site and then saw the label.

'  Vidya Ghar Ashram'

My mother's name. This is the exact name that I thought for my ashram. I took a breathe of reilef. Now my dream is coming true. I couldn't express how happy I was. 

With trembling hands, I reached for my phone and composed a message to Abhi, expressing my gratitude in the simplest of words. But behind those words lay a world of emotion, a silent acknowledgment of the profound impact he had made on my life.'

' Thanks Abhi. Thanks for everything. '

Another update!!!

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