8. The kiss

Ishqi's POV

I was ready in the orange lehenga. I had wore minimal jewelry. I wanted to look simple, as simple as possible because I am simple. 

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I picked the vermillion box and then filled my hair partition. 

I picked the mangalsutra and then wore it. 

" Wow Ishqi, you look awesome. "

I heard the voice that is very dear to me. I smiled and then turned towards. The gate from where my sister Mannat was standing.

I got a smile on my face and then ran towards her. I hugged her. She hugged me back. 

" Di. I can't believe that you are here. You are standing in front of me. I missed you, Di. I missed you a lot. "

I said. Di caressed my head.

" My little bacha is now the Thakurain of the state. You are grown up now. "

Didi said to me. I smiled with tears in my eyes.

" Didi, as bit I get, I will always be your little sister. "

I said. I still wasn't able to believe that my sister was standing in front of me after so many years.

It was never like she didn't come to India before. She used to come but that time I was busy with my studies and wasn't ever able to meet her.

I always felt bad that I wasn't able to spend more time with her. I always waited for her to come wo that I could enjoy with her.

But now as I ak married, I don't know how I will spend the time with her. She will be there in Banaras and I will be here in Pratapgarh.

" Choti Thakurain, everyone is waiting for you. "

Ratan said. I came out of my thoughts and then held Didn't hand.

" Let's go down. "

I said and then walked out of the room. We came to the mall and saw Baba and Rishi Jiju standing there.

" Hi Ishqi. "

"Hi Jiju. "

Me and Rishi Jiju are very close friends. We share everything with each other. We both hugged each other.

I was standing with Rishi Jiju and talking when I felt someone's glare on me. I looked around and saw Thakur sahab standing there, glaring at me.

I gasped for a second but then turned my gaze from him.

" Ishqi, where is Abhimaan? I would like to meet him. "

Rishi Jiju said. What should I say to him? I was thinking about the reason that I could give to him.

When I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked on the shoulder and saw a hand with a green stone golden ring kept on that.

And that ring was enough for me to know who it was. I looked at the left side ansndaw him standing there. He was in a red kurta.

" Hi. Nice to meet you all."

He said in a low voice. Who could say that he had roared like a lion on his own relative a few hours ago.

I signed and then forced a smile on my face just to show my family that I am happy. Even though my father knew that I am not happy with this marriage.

" Come kids, we are getting late. Everyone is waiting for you two. "

Maa said. We walked out towards the garden where the stage was set up for us. Me and Thakur sahab went and then sat down on the stage.

First the Thakur family came for the photo. We stood in the middle. Maa stood with me. Bade Thakur and Maanveer were standing along with Thakur sahab.

The photo got clicked and then my family came and stood with us. We clicked the photo. All this time, Thakur sahab had held my open waist.

When I saw Preeti coming towards me. I was very happy to see her. We both hugger each other and then she also got clicked with us.

After that, we were having the ' forced ' couple photoshoot. I hate it.

" I know that you are hating it. I also hate it. "

He whispered in my ears. I looked at him and made a face. Suddenly he got a smirk on his face.

His smirk scares me a lot. Suddenly he pulled me closer and kissed me. OMG. He kissed me that in front of everyone again.

I tried to push him but he was too strong for me to push. I was able to hear th whispers of people.

" Ahhh. Thankur sahab don't eat that girl. Look Mumma that uncle is eating up the aunty. "

Seriously. Eating me?? Thakur sahab moved away from me and then cleaned the lipstick from his kios.

" They are very tasty. "

He whispered and then went down the stage. I also came down the stage. I stood with Baba, Didi and Rishi Jiju.

When I saw my father-in-law kissing tthe young girl. I looked away.

" Who is she?"

Rishi Jiju asked me. I looked at him and smiled.

" My father-in-law's girlfriend. "

My answer left Didi, Jiju and Baba shocked. But they also knew that Thakur's are big time manwhores.

All they want is a hole to pour their sperm inside.

" I hope that Abhimaan isn't like his father. Right Ishqi? "

Didi asked while keeping her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her. She was wrong. He isn't like his father.

If he would have been then instead of making me do sit ups on the wedding night, he would have fucked me hard.

I nodded in disapproval.

" He... he is not like his father. "

I said. I didn't know but this is the thing I had to say to my family.

A line of cars stopped there. Everyone present in the garden looked at those cars.

The gates of the car opened and the leader of the opposition and my husband's biggest rival Aasim Siddiqui along with his only son Armaan Siddiqui. 

Aasim Siddqui walked towards Bade Thakur while Armaan was staring at me only. I felt a disgusting stare at my boobs. 

He is such an ass. I will surely kill him one day. 

Abhimaan's POV

I was looked at Mr Aasim Siddiqui heading towards me. I was confused about who invited him. How does it matter to me?

" Hello Thakur sahab. Congratulations on your wedding."

Aasim said while moving his hand towards me. I held his hand and then shook with him.

" This is a small gift from my side only."

He said while giving a card to me. I smiled and then kept the card in my pocket. I looked at Armaan who was staring at my wife. 

I had to control the anger that was piercing my heart at that moment. I had to play along with Aasim. I didn't know why I was getting angry when I myself hated that girl.

Author's POV

Aasim came to Ishqi who was talking to Preeti at that moment. " Hello Thakurain." Armaan said. Ishqi and Preeti turned towards him. Ishqi saw Armaan's hand in the air. He was waiting for a handshake.

Ishqi smiled and then joined her hands. " Hello." said Ishqi, " You are really beautiful. Thakur sahab is very lucky, I must say." he said while licking his lips in a seductive way. 

Ishqi and Preeti both had noticed this but didn't say anything that they didn't want to create a scene at that moment. 

Armaan stood there for some time and then went from there. Soon the reception party got over. Ishqi came to her room and closed the door. 

" I can't I can't handle this family. Everyone is very confusing. " Ishqi said and then went inside the washroom. Ishqi removed all her clothes and then stood under the shower. 

She started the shower. The water fell down from the shower all over the body of Ishqi. When suddenly she felt someone's hands on her waist. 

" Thakur sahab. " said Ishqi in a seductive voice. Abhimaan rubbed his nose on Ishqi's neck and shoulder. " Thakur sahab is for outsiders, you are my wife, my better half. You should call me ABHI, your ABHI." said Abhimaan.

Ishqi chuckled. " Your wife, your better half? Really Abhi, you only married me for that land and now you have that land. What do you need more? I kept that land for those people who are thrown out of their homes by their own children. And for those who are orphan. I wanted to combine the old age home and an orphanage so that no one feels lonely and now that will not happen." said Ishqi. 

Ishqi wanted to say something more but before that Abhimaan turned Ishqi and then kissed her passionately. Abhimaan held Ishqi's waist and Ishqi held Abhimaan's hair. They both were kissing each other and were lost in their kiss.

" Abhimaan, Ishqi." said Aradhya while coming inside the room.

Ishqi pushed Abhimaan. " Abhi, Maa is outside. Please go out. " said Ishqi. Abhimaan held Ishqi's waist and pulled her closer. " Listen, if I will go out and you will lock the door from inside then she will know that we were in the washroom and will now what we were doing. "

He said. Ishqi pushed him away once again. " Ishqi, are you inside?" Aradhya asked while knocking the door of the washroom. Ishqi looked at the door.

" Yes Maa. I am here." she replied, " And Abhi?" asked Aradhya. Ishqi looked at Abhimaan who was smiling. " Maa, he didn't there. I think he would be the bar. " said Ishqi. Aradhya then went from there.

Ishqi took a breathe of relief. She pushed Abhimaan. " Get out." said Ishqi. Abhimaan walked towards the gate of the washroom and then turned towards Ishqi. " Nice legs by the way." said Abhimaan and then walked out of the washroom.

Abhimaan came out of the washroom and saw Aradhya standing there. She was standing there with her hands folded.

" I knew it. I knew that you were inside the washroom together." said Aradhya. Abhimaan rubbed his neck's back. Aradhya came to her son and then held his cheeks.

" Just tell me when I will be a grandmother and I am not like your father. Grandson or granddaughter both are equal for me." said Aradhya, " Maa, we have just been married for a day." said Abhimaan.

Aradhya chuckled and then went from there. " She is so obbessed with becoming a grandmother. " said Abhimaan and then went to the closet and changed wore his clothes. He came out of the closet while closing the buttons of shirt.

He saw Ishqi sleeping on the bed. he knew that she was very tired with everything. He lay down with her and looked at her. Her hair were coming on her face and troubling her. 

Abhimaan moved his hand and then removed her hair that were coming on her face. Ishqi's beautiful face came in front of him. He smiled. 

Carefully, Abhimaan reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Ishqi's forehead, tucking it behind her ear with gentle fingers. He marveled at the delicate curve of her jawline, the graceful arch of her brows, and the way her lips curved ever so slightly in a peaceful slumber.

As he lay beside her, Abhimaan couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this moment of quiet intimacy. Despite the chaos of their circumstances, there was solace to be found in the simple act of being together, of sharing the same space and breathing in sync.

Abhimaan hovered over Ishqi and then lay on her boobs. He didn't know but he had started to get obsessed with her boobs since the day he saw them.

Another update!!!

Hope that you are liking the new characters

Love you all ❤❤❤

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