4. The Wedding

Ishqi's POV

I looked like a fairy right now covered my face with the veil to hid the fear and worry that I had on my face. Suddenly the door opened and I looked back.

A young man was standing there.

" Come now. Bhaiya is waiting for you."

He said. Bhaiya, that means he is my would-be brother-in-law. If the elder one is like this then how would be the younger one be.

I slowly walked out of the room. He was walking behind me. I came down from the stairs. Many guards were standing there with guns in their hands. Baba and Preeti were sitting there.

And my unwanted and forced husband was sitting on the mandap and looking at me. I came and sat down with him.

" Abhimaan, don't do this. Please. She is innocent. "

Baba screamed. I looked at him.

" Shut up and sit down. "

He said.

The pandit gave us the garlands. We both exchanged with and then sat down.

" Kanyadaan ke liye kanya ke pita aage aae. "

" The father of the girl came forward for Kanyadaan."

The pandit's words automictically made my head move towards my Baba, who is also my mother. I knew that Baba wouldn't get up for the kanyadaan.But a gun shot shocked everyone. A man kept the gun on his head.

" Kanyadaan ke liye khud ghada hoga ya direct duniya se jayega. "

" Will you get up for the kanydaan or will you direct leave the world?"

That man said. I got scared. Mama ji came and kept my hand on his hand. His hands touch was enough to make me shiver. The kanyadaan was completed and then we took the holy pheras. Then we both sat down and then pandit shifted the plate that had the mangalsutra and the vermillion box kept on it.

" Ab aap ladki ki maang sindoor se baare."

" Now fill her partition with vermillion."

I heard the voice of the priest explaining him what he had to do. Tears were rolling down my eyes. But facial expressions were not visible because of the long veil that was covering my face. I closed my eyes and started to control my trembling lips. I was shivering in fear.When I felt him pulling my veil up from my head.

My whole body froze at that moment and my closed. He filled my hair partition and then moved his hand back. Then again I felt his hands around my neck. He was tying the mangalsutra around my neck.This was it.

" Now I announce you as husband and wife. You can take the blessings of the elders."

Now I became his. I became the wife of a person about whom I don't even know about anything except his name. Everything had changed. From a daughter now I turned into a daughter-in-law of a rich and powerful family.

We both got up and then came to my father.

" I will never ever accept this marriage. This marriage is nothing but a forced marriage. I will file a case against you and your family. "

Baba said in anger. I looked down. I held Baba's hand.

" Baba, whatever it is. This marriage happened and now I am his wife. "

I said in a low voice.

" Ishqi, there is no need for you to accept this marriage."

Preeti said while caressing my cheeks. I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

" I am sorry Preeti. But marriage is not a joke for me. I can't file a case against my husband."

I said. When suddenly I felt his hand on my shoulder. He pulled me more closer.

" That's the right way, Mrs Ishqi Abhimaan Singh Thakur. Maan, get the cars ready. We have to leave for Rajasthan."

He said.

" Sure Bhaiya. "

His brother said and then walked away from there. My unwanted husband held my hand and then pulled me out of the farmhouse.

As I came out, all the guards put their riffles towards the air and then shot in the air. I got scared and held his hand more tightly.

" This fear looks nice on your face."

He whispered in my ear. So this is the kind of family I have been married into. Who never ever forget to show off their money and power to ordinary people.

We both sat down inside the cars and I looked at my family. They waved at me. I also waved back.

The jeeps were running in full speed. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know what will happen with me now.

" So would you like to know why I married you? "

He said. I turned my head towards him.

" Only because of that land. According to your mother's will that land would go to the person you marry. "

He replied while pulling out of the garland from his neck. I can't believe my ears.

I clenched my fists, struggling to contain my rage.

" You married me for property? Is that all I am to you?"

He shrugged nonchalantly.

" In this world, everything has a price. Your land is no different."

He replied. " And for that slap, you will pay your whole life. "

I turned away, staring out of the window, feeling the weight of my new reality crush me.

The landscape outside blurred with my tears, mirroring the blurred lines of my fate.

The jeeps then stopped outside the beautiful and luxurious haveli.

I had never seen such a big haveli. There were many servants in the garden. Some were cleannint while some were watering the plants.

They all looked at our cars and then stopped. They bowed down. I was looking at them only.

" Abhimaan, Maanveer. "

I heard a sweet woman's voice. I turned towards the gate of the haveli and saw a lady standing there in a dark green banarasi saree with golden boundary.

My unwanted husband and his brother came down the car and then went to that lady.

They bent and touched her feet. She kept both of her hands on their heads. When suddenly the door opened for me.

I looked at that person and then came down.

" Maa, she is your daughter-in-law. Bhaiya's wife. "

My husband's brother said to my mother-in-law, I guess. She was looking at me in shock.

" That's very nice. I will just go and get the aarti ki thali. "

She turned to go when she stopped looking at someone. A lady in a white saree walked out of the haveli with a stick in her hand.

Her hair were completely white. She looked at my mother-in-law.

" Aradhya, aisa kaise tum kisi bhi aari gaari ladki ko Choti Thakurain maan sakti ho? "

" Aradhya how can you accept any girl as the younger Thakurain? "

She said while looking at me in a stranger manner. I felt awkward and started rubbing my palm on my wrists.

" Tell me. Who are you? "

She asked me in an angry voice. I took a small breath and then looked at her.

" I am Ishqi Shrikant Tiwari, the daughter of Shrikant Tiwari who works in the law firm of Banaras. "

" Law firm? Abhimaan, how can you marry a middle-class girl? "

She shouted on my husband. I knew that he wouldn't say anything to protect me.

" Bua ji, it is my choice who I marry. And remember that you are talking about my wife, Mrs Abhimaan Singh Thakur. You are not talking to a passerby. "

He said in a loud and clear voice. Oh so she is Bade Thakur's sister. She was wearing a saree and had a lot of jewelry, it was all gold, pure gold. Her face showed that she is really a Thakur.

My mother-in-law smiled and then walked inside the haveli. She came out with the aarti ki thali.

" Come kids. "

She said. Me and Thakur sahab stood in front of my mother-in-law. She did our aarti.

" Ishqi, now push the earthen pot with your right feet and then keep the right feet in the alta and walk inside. "

She commanded. I did the same. I slowly kicked the earthen pot and the rice kept it in fell down.

I kept the right feet in the red alta water and walked inside.

" Oh so a new member has arrived in our family and I don't even know about it. "

An old man came down with a young girl.

" That is none of your business Papa."

So he is the eldest Thakur. The most powerful man. I far I know about him is that he has connections starting from big and powerful politicians to the underworld.

That's why his criminal son is the MLA and will be standing for the upcoming elections of the CM. I hate this family to the core.

" Ishqi, come. I will take you to my room. You can rest there and eat your breakfast."

She said while taking me towards the stairs. We crossed Uday Singh Thakur and then came to a room.

Badi Thakurain opened the door of the room. That was a simple room with not a lot of stuffs.

" Ishqi, you can rest here. I will get the food for you."

She said and then walked out of the room. I sat down in front of the dressing table. I looked at myself in the mirror. The partition filled with vermillion and then mangalsutra tied around my neck.

This mangalsutra felt like chain that is tied around my neck by the Thakur family. I removed all the jewelry. I rubbed my palm on my neck. 

" Ishqi, here your food. "

Badi Thakurain said while coming inside. I looked at her. She was holding the food plate. I got up and came to her. 

" Thank you, Badi Thakurain. I appreciate your kindness." 

I murmured, trying to mask the tumult of emotions churning inside me.

Badi Thakurain offered me a gentle smile, her eyes betraying a depth of compassion that touched my heart. 

" You're welcome, Ishqi. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask."

She said and we both sat down. I picked the spoonful of rice and started to have it. It was yummy. I knew that the best chefs from all over the world make food for the Thakurs.

" How is it?"

She asked. I looked at her and smiled. 

" It's yummy Badi Thakurain."

" Hey! What is this Badi Thakurain. Call me Maa."

'Maa' is a very familiar word for me. I was just nine when I lost my mother. My father and sister never let me feel that she is no more in this world.


I whispered, the word catching in my throat as a flood of memories washed over me. Memories of a time when my world was whole, when my mother's love enveloped me in its warm embrace.

Badi Thakurain's eyes softened with understanding, her smile a gentle reassurance amidst the storm raging within me. In her, I saw a glimpse of the maternal love I had longed for, a beacon of hope in this sea of uncertainty.

As we sat together, sharing this simple meal, her presence offered a sense of comfort that I hadn't dared to hope for. And in that moment, I felt a flicker of gratitude, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume me.

" Ca .... can I hug you?"

I asked in a trembling voice. She smiled and then spread her arms. I smiled and then hugged her tightly. She caressed my hair. 

" Ishqi, listen to me very carefully. I promise that my son will not do anything with you. Especially intimacy."

Maa said to me. I looked at her and then smiled. I nodded. 

" I'll just come."

Maa said and then walked out of the room. I sat there having my food.

Abhimaan's POV 

I was in the gym and punching the punching bag with all of my force.I am a black belt in karate and the best boxer. No one can stand in front of me. 

" Abhimaan. " 

I heard the voice of my mother and turned towards her. She walked inside to me. 

" Yes Maa. " 

I said while removing my gloves. I picked the bottle of water and then started to drink from it. 

" Abhi, swear on me that you will not force that girl for anything physical. I know that you are not like your father. " 

She said. She was right. Me and my brother both are not like our father. Our mother tried her best to make us as good people who respects women. Even through with this, my father and grandmother started to hate her. But that didn't matter to her. I kept my hand on Maa's head. 

" Don't worry, Maa. I will not force her for anything physical especially intimacy. " 

I said while Maa got a smile on her face. She didn't even have to take the swear. I am not like my father. I can never be like him. 

Another update!!!

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